Plans are underway for a DR Cigar Adventure in the near future. This will be an incredible trip with opportunities to explore some of the biggest and best factories in the industry. STAY TUNED!
Santiago, DR is the cigar capital of the world, with the largest production of smokes at the many factories. With brands like Davidoff, Fuente, La Aurora, and La Flor Dominicana - the Dominican Republic is home to some of the best cigars available in the world today.
Though Nicaragua has become the breeding ground of choice for many tobacco growers, in terms of sheer numbers, The Dominican Republic remains El Rey (the king) of the Central American tobacco-growing nations. The DR accounts for more than half of the cigars sold in the United States. Of course, the Dominican had a big lead. After the Cuban Revolution in 1959, many of Cuba's best growers and blenders emigrated to the DR. When the Sandinistas overran Nicaragua, even more found their way to the DR. This helped further solidify the country's cigar industry. Like Cuba, Nicaragua, and Honduras, the Dominican Republic has a specific region that's most favorable for growing the best Cuban seed tobacco.