Plans are underway for a Honduras Cigar Adventure in the near future. This will be an incredible trip with opportunities to explore some of the biggest and best factories in the industry.
Home of famous brands like Rocky Patel, Camacho, CLE, JRE, Hoyo de Monterrey, Baccarat, and Punch - Honduras has made a name for itself in the cigar industry.
Honduras rose to cigar-making prominence because Cuban exiles found the country’s soils to be ideal for growing tobacco, as some areas are very similar to Cuba’s Pinar del Rio region. The El Paraiso province is the nation’s “cigar capitol” - Danli and the Jamastran Valley house the majority of factories and tobacco fields. The majority of the leaf in Honduras is sun-grown – making it more robust. Cigars made with Honduran-grown leaf are noted for their earthy taste; some of the flavor is close to Nicaraguan varietals, as the countries are next door neighbors…so expect that earthy, nutty (and somewhat citrus-laden) flavor to be balanced with medium-full flavors that are rich, toasty, crisp and somewhat potent – with a fair amount of spice. That’s not surprising, as most of the plants are Cuban-seed, with different strains of Criollo and Corojo coming to dominate the Honduran tobacco landscape with some Connecticut-seed wrappers being cultivated in Honduras, as well.